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Home Blog EP# 79 - Building a Successful Alcohol Brand

EP# 79 - Building a Successful Alcohol Brand

By Claire Wescombe | Blog, Podcast, Real Talk With Outperformers, The Outperformer, gin, brand, marketing | 2 Sep 2024 |
In this episode, Brad welcomes Matt Jones. Matt is the founder of Four Pillars Gin. In this episode, Matt and Brad chat all things building a successful alcohol brand, marketing it using unique and creative strategies - and all about the journey to success that they've had.

Challenges lead to growth.

Challenges lead to growth. This is a common theme in many success stories, including that of Four Pillars Gin. Matt and the other two founders of Four Pillars Gin faced their fair share of challenges along the way, but they were able to overcome them and grow their business into the successful brand it is today. One of the key challenges mentioned was the need for clarity and direction in the early days of the business. The three founders had to define who they were as a brand and what they were trying to achieve. This required a great deal of strategic thinking and decision-making, as well as a willingness to adapt and evolve as the business grew.

Another challenge mentioned was the need for strong relationships and advocacy within the industry. Building a successful business often requires the support of others, whether it be investors, suppliers, or customers. The founders of Four Pillars Gin understood the importance of building and maintaining these relationships, and they were able to leverage them to drive growth and success.

Decision to make gin well.

The decision to make gin well is a crucial aspect of the success of Four Pillars Gin. It was not just an idea that popped into the minds of the founders, but a deliberate and strategic decision that was made in 2012 by Matt, Stu, and Cam. This decision marked the beginning of a journey that would ultimately lead to the creation of a successful gin brand.

The decision to make gin well was not taken lightly. It required careful consideration and planning. The founders understood that in order to succeed in the highly competitive alcohol industry, they needed to do things differently and do them well. This decision set the foundation for the strategic direction of the business.

After making the decision to pursue gin, the founders began to develop a strategy for how they were going to achieve their goal of creating a high-quality gin brand. This strategy emerged over the following 12 months as they worked towards launching Four Pillars Gin. It was a process of strategic post-rationalization, where they looked back on their decision and developed a plan to ensure its success.

The strategy for making gin well involved a focus on quality, innovation, and brand building. The founders were committed to creating a product that stood out in the market for its exceptional taste and craftsmanship. They experimented with different botanicals and distillation techniques to create unique and flavorful gins that would appeal to consumers.

Craft, quality, intimacy, scale, vision.

Craft, quality, intimacy, scale, and vision are all key elements that played a crucial role in the success story of Four Pillars Gin. The founders of Four Pillars Gin understood the importance of these elements and strategically incorporated them into their business model, leading to their success in the competitive spirits industry.

Craft is at the core of Four Pillars Gin's ethos. The founders recognized that in order to stand out in a crowded market, they needed to focus on creating a product that was truly exceptional. By dedicating themselves to the art of gin making and committing to using only the best botanicals and equipment, they were able to produce a gin that was not only unique but also of the highest quality.

Quality was another key focus for Four Pillars Gin. The founders understood that in order to build a successful brand, they needed to prioritize quality over everything else. This commitment to excellence allowed them to differentiate themselves from their competitors and establish a reputation for producing premium spirits.

Intimacy was also a crucial component of Four Pillars Gin's success. The founders realized that in order to connect with consumers on a deeper level, they needed to create a sense of intimacy and authenticity around their brand. By inviting consumers to witness the gin-making process up close and personal, they were able to build trust and loyalty among their customer base.

Scale was another important consideration for Four Pillars Gin. The founders understood that in order to grow their business and reach a wider audience, they needed to achieve meaningful scale. This required them to expand their distribution channels and enter new markets, all while maintaining the craft and quality that set them apart.

Vision was the guiding force behind Four Pillars Gin's success. The founders had a clear vision of where they wanted to take their brand and were able to articulate this vision in a way that inspired others to join them on their journey. By staying true to their vision and remaining focused on their core values, they were able to navigate the challenges of scaling their business and ultimately achieve success.

Build relationships before transactions.

Matt emphasizes the importance of building relationships before transactions in marketing. It discusses the concept of the 4-7-11 rule, which suggests that a brand should appear in four different places for at least seven hours of consumable time and have 11 touchpoints to add value to the customer. This approach helps customers become comfortable with the brand and the emotions it evokes, so that when the time comes to make a transaction, they are more likely to choose that brand.

The idea of creating inescapability without stalking or harassing people is also highlighted in the podcast. By creating multiple touchpoints with customers, businesses can subtly build relationships and earn real estate in their minds. This approach is essential in today's digital age where customers are bombarded with information and choices, and building a strong relationship with them can set a brand apart from the competition.

The concept of the zero moment of truth (ZMOT) is also mentioned in the podcast, emphasizing the importance of the decision-making process that occurs before the actual transaction. By focusing on building relationships and creating a surround sound of brand presence, businesses can influence customers' decisions even before they are consciously aware of it.



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