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Home Blog EP#80 - Helping Women Rise - With Megan Dalla-Camina

EP#80 - Helping Women Rise - With Megan Dalla-Camina

By Claire Wescombe | Blog, Podcast, Women, Women in power, rising women | 9 Sep 2024 |
In this episode, Brad welcomes Megan Dalla-Camina. Megan Dalla-Camina is an award-winning expert in women's leadership and empowerment with a notable career spanning two decades as a corporate executive at IBM, GE, and PwC, and over a decade as a successful entrepreneur. As the Founder and CEO of Women Rising, Megan leverages her vast experience to help women achieve clarity, build confidence, and become authentic leaders. Her Women Rising program has empowered over 10,000 women in 65 countries, collaborating with hundreds of major corporations like Microsoft, Accenture, and BMW.

Experiencing Burnout

In today's fast-paced world, burnout has become an all-too-familiar experience for many, particularly among women who juggle multiple roles and responsibilities. 

Burnout is not merely a consequence of overwork; it is a complex interplay of stress, exhaustion, and a lack of fulfillment. Megan's experience and journey serves as a poignant example. Despite her success and dedication, she reached a breaking point that forced her to confront the unsustainable nature of her lifestyle. The realization that she had been in “survival mode” for years, running on a treadmill without pausing to assess her well-being, resonates with many individuals caught in similar cycles. This moment of reckoning is crucial; it highlights the importance of self-awareness in recognizing the signs of burnout before they culminate in a crisis.

Megan's journey reflects a broader narrative of empowerment through diverse life experiences. Her transition from a corporate executive to an advocate for gender diversity and inclusion illustrates how challenges can catalyze significant change. By embracing her unique experiences as a single mother and a professional, she not only found her voice but also became a champion for others facing similar struggles. This empowerment is rooted in resilience—the ability to adapt and redefine one’s path in the face of adversity.

Empowerment requires self-awareness and support.

In today’s fast-paced world, the concept of empowerment has gained significant attention, particularly in discussions surrounding gender equality and personal development. Empowerment is not merely a buzzword; it is a fundamental process that necessitates self-awareness and a supportive environment. True empowerment begins with understanding oneself, recognizing personal tendencies, and seeking the necessary support to navigate challenges.

The journey toward empowerment often starts with clarity—an honest assessment of who we are, our strengths, and our weaknesses. Megan reflects on her own experiences with burnout, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging one’s limitations and the need for change. This recognition is not always comfortable; it requires a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths about our lives and behaviors. 

Self-awareness is critical in this journey. Understanding one's tendencies—be it the inclination to overachieve or the desire to please others—allows individuals to identify the internal narratives that may hinder their growth. Brad and Megan discuss various archetypes that women often embody, such as the overachiever, the perfectionist, and the people pleaser. Each of these archetypes represents a facet of the inner critic that can disempower individuals, leading to feelings of inadequacy and burnout. By recognizing these patterns, individuals can begin to navigate their personal and professional lives with greater intention and resilience.

Gender Norms Hinder Women's Leadership Authenticity

Megan highlights the inherent challenges women face in the workplace due to entrenched gender norms and stereotypes that dictate what a "good leader" should look like. These norms often create a paradox for women striving to ascend to leadership positions, forcing them to navigate a landscape that frequently undermines their authenticity

At the core of the issue is the distinction between the traditional, often masculine, model of leadership and the authentic styles that many women embody. Traditional leadership is characterized by a command-and-control approach, where traits such as ambition, assertiveness, and dominance are celebrated. This model is typically associated with masculine traits, which, while non-gendered, have become synonymous with effective leadership in many corporate cultures. Megan articulates how societal expectations of men translate seamlessly into the expectations of leaders, emphasizing strength and drive as paramount qualities. Consequently, when women enter leadership roles, they are often measured against this rigid framework, which does not account for their unique strengths and approaches

She further illustrates the double bind that women encounter in leadership. Women are frequently told to adopt more masculine traits to be considered competent leaders. They are advised to be more aggressive, assertive, and dominant—essentially, to conform to the traditional model of leadership. However, when women do exhibit these traits, they often face backlash, being labeled as abrasive or aggressive. This creates a no-win situation for many women: they are pressured to change their authentic selves to fit a mold that is not representative of their leadership style, yet when they do conform, they are penalized for it. This cycle of feedback not only stifles women’s leadership potential but also discourages them from pursuing higher leadership roles altogether.

Recognize Privilege, Empower Others' Agency

Understanding privilege allows us to see the barriers that others face, fostering empathy and a desire to advocate for equity. Megan eflects on her own journey of recognizing privilege and the work involved in becoming an ally to marginalized groups. This process is not comfortable, but it is necessary for personal growth and for creating a more inclusive environment. By recognizing their own advantages, individuals can better understand the struggles of others and work toward dismantling the barriers that hinder access to opportunity.



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