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Home Blog What Does Culture Mean to Different Business Owners?

EP#49 – What Does Culture Mean to Different Business Owners?

By Claire Wescombe | Blog, Podcast, Real Talk With Outperformers, The Outperformer, Brad Eisenhuth, Tech, Start up, team, culture, building a team | 22 Jan 2024 |
On this week’s episode of Real Talk With Outperformers, Brad looks back at some of the many different guests we've had on the show - and what they each had to say about culture in the workplace.
Featuring some of the guests that YOU guys loved!
Here are some highlights of their conversations with host, Brad Eisenhuth:

What Does Culture Mean To Andrew Smith?

Andrew Smith scaled from a humble debt collection start-up – to one of the largest and highest-performing Australian companies in his industry.

To Andrew, the behaviors of the individuals who lead the business is where the culture initially starts. By starting and demonstrating the type of behavior that you want to see in a business, it builds a culture that will do the same. Andrew uses his example of using empathy and compassion in order to get results in his industry, which is something that was not done when he started.

Within Andrew’s business, he has recruited many people who may not have had huge debt-collection backgrounds but instead hires based on traits that they might be looking for as well. Instead of celebrating cash collection, they also reward and celebrate positive feedback from customers. This has let to a culture built on empathy and care that is incredibly strong.

What Does Culture Mean To FoodByUs CEO and Founder, Ben Lipschitz ?

Ben, CEO Magazine’s 2022 Entrepreneur Of The Year, spills the beans on emphasising values like empathy, context, and transparency when it comes to building his company culture.

Ben states that one major way his business has scaled so far is largely due to it’s culture and the good decisions that it brings. To Ben, “what you do is who you are,” it’s not about what you say. Actions speak much larger than words, and everything is embedded in your actions.

When it comes to building his culture, one major thing that Ben has learnt, is that your company culture is always evolving. It’s always important to be open to these changes and shifts that your company culture might experience. But when thinking about this change, it’s also important to have some cores values that encapsulate who you are as a company, no matter how much you may change.

And finally, Ben discusses the importance of listening to company feedback when it comes to culture. Some very common methods such as ‘employee of the month’ did not work well for Food By us, and it’s important to listen to the team and feedback and adjust if a part of your culture is just not working.

Dan Krigstein and Culture

Brad and Dan talked about all things workplace culture and the importance of radical candor, empathetic strengthening, and energizing through change.

When asked about how you can tell if your team and culture is performing well- Dan mentions a few hallmarks, including performing on deliverables, having a ‘growth oriented’ mindset, open to change, and finally being a team that will ‘rally’ and ‘swarm’ when help is needed, as well as is open to asking for help. Dan is also a huge advocate of ‘a team moves and wins as one.’ If you can land that message within your culture, and your employees genuinely believe it that – it produces incredible results.

When asked about what to look for when recruiting good cultural fits, Dan explains that you hire for fit – not for technical ability, within reason of course. What you want, is people that are hungry to learn and are mentally agile - especially in a small business or start-up position. He also explains how when looking to hire, you should also look for people who are energized by change - and who don't want to be stagnant in their journey. 

"Culture good or bad, spreads like wildfire." - Dan Krigstein. 

Taryn Williams: Culture and Transparency in Business 

Brad and Taryn discuss all things transparency and culture as a business owner - specifically the transparency surrounding income. 

She explains that understanding your team and their individual core traits and values helped exponentially when it comes to building a working team - it's important to remember as a CEO that not everyone operates and thinks as you do. Another huge factor for Taryn's team culture and environment is understanding her team's motivations. For example, some people are motivated by money, time-off, work/life balance etc. Brad and Taryn discuss how powerful it can be to really understand these things, and build a culture that celebrates having different motivations like this. 



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