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Home Blog Building an Award-Winning PR Agency - Sharon Williams

Building an Award-Winning PR Agency - Sharon Williams

By Claire Wescombe | Blog, Podcast, Real Talk With Outperformers, The Outperformer, PR, Public relations, Media, agency, marketing | 19 Aug 2024 |
On this episode, Brad welcomes Sharon Williams - Founder and Head of Strategy at Taurus - Australia’s longest-established, privately owned, integrated Marketing and PR agency.
Brad and Sharon discuss all things starting and managing a business, building a team that works and so much more...

Hold the line, believe in yourself.

"Hold the line, believe in yourself" is a powerful mantra that Sharon, the guest on the podcast, shared as her greatest learning over her 30 years in business. This simple yet profound statement encapsulates the essence of perseverance, self-confidence, and resilience in the face of challenges.

To hold the line means to stay steadfast and committed to one's goals and values, even in the face of adversity. It requires unwavering determination, resilience, and the ability to weather the storms that inevitably come with running a business. Sharon's journey with Taurus, her award-winning marketing agency, is a testament to the power of holding the line. Despite facing setbacks, challenges, and unexpected obstacles, she persevered and stayed true to her vision for the business. This unwavering commitment has enabled her to build a successful company that has touched the lives of thousands of businesses over the years.

Believing in oneself is another crucial aspect of Sharon's mantra. Self-belief is the foundation upon which all achievements are built. It is the inner confidence and conviction that propels individuals to take risks, overcome fears, and push past their limits. In the context of entrepreneurship, self-belief is essential for navigating the uncertainties and pressures of running a business. Sharon's belief in herself and her abilities has been a driving force behind her success. It has enabled her to make bold decisions, take calculated risks, and push through difficult times with resilience and grace.

Resilience through challenges builds strength.

Resilience through challenges builds strength. This is a powerful message that resonates throughout the episode. From the global financial crisis to the pandemic, from personal losses to health scares, Sharon has endured and overcome a myriad of obstacles that have tested her resilience and determination.

One key takeaway from Sharon's story is the importance of staying focused and calm in the face of adversity. She emphasizes the need to evaluate every situation carefully, make good decisions, and always have a security fund as a safety net. These lessons learned from past challenges have helped Sharon navigate through the uncertainties of the pandemic with a sense of wisdom and calmness.

Sharon's story serves as a testament to the idea that challenges and obstacles are opportunities for growth and self-improvement. By embracing these difficulties as learning experiences and drawing strength from them, individuals can emerge stronger, more resilient, and better equipped to face future challenges. As Sharon aptly puts it, "things are never as bad as they seem, and there is a journey through, there is a way through."

Trust your instincts in hiring.

Trust your instincts in hiring is a crucial aspect of building a successful team and business. Sharon's experience and insights shared in the podcast highlight the importance of listening to your gut feelings and intuition when making hiring decisions.

Sharon's strong sense of right and wrong, coupled with her high standards for behavior and core values, have guided her in making successful hires over the years. She emphasizes the importance of aligning core values with potential team members, even if they may lack certain skills. This approach ensures that everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal.

One key aspect of trusting your instincts in hiring is the ability to spot red flags early on. Sharon mentions the importance of addressing issues when they are small and not waiting for them to escalate into bigger problems. This proactive approach not only prevents potential conflicts but also fosters a culture of open communication and transparency within the team.

Additionally, Sharon's ability to sense whether someone will be a good fit for her company based on their attitude and behavior is a testament to the power of intuition in hiring. After 29 years in business, she has developed a keen sense of who will be successful and who won't, allowing her to make informed decisions that benefit both her team and her clients.

Trusting your instincts in hiring is not just about making quick judgments or snap decisions. It's about tapping into your intuition, observing behavior, asking the right questions, and ultimately making choices that align with your values and goals. By following your instincts and being true to yourself, you can build a team that is not only skilled and talented but also aligned with your vision and mission.

Choose clients wisely and bravely.

Choosing clients wisely and bravely is a key aspect of running a successful business. In the podcast transcript, Sharon shared her approach to selecting clients based on trust, values, and open communication. She emphasized the importance of setting boundaries and being honest about expectations from the beginning of the client relationship.

One of the key points Sharon made was the need to have open and honest conversations with potential clients right from the start. By clearly outlining her values and expectations, Sharon ensures that both parties are on the same page before entering into a working relationship. This upfront approach helps to weed out clients who may not be the right fit for her business, ultimately saving time and energy in the long run.

Sharon also highlighted the importance of trusting your instincts when it comes to choosing clients. She mentioned the need to work with people she likes, believes in, and who pay on time. By following her gut feelings and being selective about the clients she takes on, Sharon has been able to build long-lasting relationships with clients who align with her values and goals.



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