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Home Blog Building and Pivoting an Agency with Nataleigh Maree

EP# 75 - Building and Pivoting an Agency with Nataleigh Maree

By Claire Wescombe | Blog, Podcast, Real Talk With Outperformers, The Outperformer, PR, Public relations, Media, agency, marketing | 5 Aug 2024 |
On this episode of Real Talk With Outperformers, Brad welcomes Nataleigh Maree. Nataleigh is the founder and CEO of Pinch Studios - an Australian Creative Agency.
Brad and Nat chat all things marketing, brand, business, pivoting and so much more!

Holistic marketing strategy is key.

This episode ighlights the importance of a holistic marketing strategy in achieving business success. Nat emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach that considers all aspects of marketing, including social media, content creation, email marketing, lead generation, and branding. This holistic strategy ensures that all elements work together seamlessly to create a cohesive and effective marketing plan.

One key point raised by Nat is the interconnected nature of marketing elements. Nat notes that a business cannot thrive by focusing on just one aspect of marketing, such as email marketing, while neglecting other areas like social media or PR. Each component of the marketing strategy plays a crucial role in driving success, and they must work together as part of a larger ecosystem.

Brad and Nat discuss the importance of understanding operating costs, margins, and pricing in developing a successful marketing strategy. Many business owners may not have a clear understanding of these financial aspects, which can impact their ability to price their services appropriately and ensure profitability. By gaining a deeper understanding of these financial aspects, businesses can make informed decisions that support their growth and sustainability.

Listen, understand, create boldly.

The key theme of "listen, understand, create boldly" is emphasized throughout the podcast as a crucial strategy for businesses to effectively market their products or services. Nat highlights the significance of listening to clients and understanding their needs and desires in order to create a brand and marketing message that resonates with them. By truly listening to clients and understanding their motivations, businesses can tailor their offerings to meet the specific needs of their target audience.

Nat and Brad also discuss the importance of being bold and creative in crafting marketing language that speaks directly to the desired audience. By observing people, listening to clients, and taking the time to reflect and brainstorm, businesses can tap into their creativity to develop innovative and impactful marketing strategies. This creativity is essential in standing out from competitors and capturing the attention of potential customers.

Embrace failure, learn, grow, succeed.

Embracing failure, learning from it, growing, and ultimately succeeding is a key theme that emerges from the podcast transcript. Nat discusses her journey of building her business, making mistakes, learning from them, and using those lessons to propel her forward towards success. 

One of the key takeaways from the podcast is Nat's emphasis on hiring the right team members and building a strong company culture. She acknowledges the importance of taking the time to hire slowly, ensuring that potential team members align with the company's values and vision. By prioritizing the quality of her team, she aims to create a supportive and collaborative work environment that fosters growth and success.

Additionally, Nat reflects on her personal growth throughout her business journey. She highlights the importance of being a strategic thinker, a doer, and a leader in order to effectively lead a team and drive the business forward. By acknowledging her past mistakes and embracing the lessons learned, she demonstrates a willingness to evolve, adapt, and continuously improve as a business owner.



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