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Home Blog I Fight You Fight - Alex Noble's Story

EP#72 - I Fight You Fight - Alex Noble's Story

By Claire Wescombe | Blog, Podcast, Real Talk With Outperformers, The Outperformer, PR, Public relations, marketing | 15 Jul 2024 |
On this episode of Real Talk With Outperformers, Brad welcomes Alex Noble.

Tragically, Alex was badly injured on the sporting field, breaking his neck and severely damaging his spinal cord. But in this unimaginable tragedy, a fighter was born. Since then, Alex's journey and story has inspired thousands around Australia

Unpacking the meaning of "I fight, you fight."

"I fight, you fight" is a powerful phrase that carries a deep and profound meaning for Alex. This phrase can be interpreted in various ways, but at its core, it represents a bond between individuals who are willing to stand by each other through thick and thin. It conveys a sense of loyalty, determination, and resilience in the face of challenges.

In a broader sense, "I fight, you fight" can also be seen as a call to action. It encourages individuals to take a stand, to fight for what they believe in, and to support others in their battles. It emphasizes the importance of standing up for oneself and for others, even in the face of adversity.

Furthermore, the phrase "I fight, you fight" can also be seen as a reminder of the interconnectedness of humanity. It highlights the fact that we are all in this together, and that by supporting each other, we can overcome obstacles and achieve success.

Unity in adversity through community.

Alex shares his story from his devastating spinal injury to finding strength and inspiration through the support of his family, friends, and community. After waking from a coma and facing the daunting reality of being a quadriplegic, Alex found himself in a dark place, feeling guilty for the impact his injury had on his loved ones. However, in a moment of clarity and determination, he uttered the words "If I fight, you fight," signaling a shift in mindset from despair to resilience.

Alex's decision to fight and not give up on himself inspired those around him to do the same. His family, friends, and community rallied around him, offering support, encouragement, and love. This outpouring of support not only lifted Alex up but also inspired him to continue fighting and striving for a better future.

Through this experience, he learned the power of unity in adversity. By coming together and standing by each other's side, they were able to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges. Alex's mantra of "I fight, you fight" became a symbol of solidarity and strength, uniting a community in the face of adversity.

Implement gratitude in difficult times.

Implementing gratitude in difficult times is a powerful tool that can help individuals navigate through challenging situations with a positive mindset. Alex shares a personal example of how he applies gratitude in his own life when faced with limitations due to his physical condition. Despite feeling left out while his friends are out having fun, he chooses to focus on the things he is grateful for, such as being able to move around his house, breathe, and talk, which he couldn't do when he was in the hospital.

Gratitude serves as a powerful mindset shift that allows individuals to reframe their thoughts and perceptions of difficult situations. By reflecting on the things they are thankful for, individuals can find peace and perspective even in the midst of adversity. This practice not only helps in finding solace and contentment in challenging times but also enables individuals to see the silver lining in every situation.

Implementing gratitude in difficult times is a valuable practice that can bring about a shift in mindset, perspective, and emotional well-being. By focusing on the things to be thankful for, individuals can find peace, resilience, and strength to overcome challenges and grow from adversity. Gratitude is a powerful tool that enables individuals to find peace and contentment, even in the most difficult of circumstances, ultimately leading to personal growth and fulfillment.

Discipline over motivation is key.

Alex explains that while motivation is important, discipline is what ultimately leads to long-term success and fulfillment. He describes how he used to only do things he felt like doing, based on his motivation at the time. This led to neglecting important aspects of his life that he did not enjoy, such as chores, studying, and building relationships. However, after his accident, Alex realized the importance of discipline in achieving his goals and becoming the best version of himself.

Discipline, as Alex describes it, is the ability to do things that you should do, even when you do not want to do them. It requires pushing past comfort zones, facing vulnerability, and taking actions that may be uncomfortable or challenging. By prioritizing discipline over motivation, individuals can stay committed to their goals, make progress even when motivation wanes, and ultimately achieve long-lasting success.

Alex's story serves as a powerful reminder that success and fulfillment come from consistent effort, hard work, and a willingness to push past comfort zones. While motivation may provide the initial spark, it is discipline that sustains progress and leads to meaningful growth. By embracing discipline in all areas of life, individuals can unlock their full potential, overcome obstacles, and create a life that is truly fulfilling and purposeful.



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