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Home Blog Scaling a PR Agency to Global Success

EP#71 - Scaling a PR Agency to Global Success

By Claire Wescombe | Blog, Podcast, Real Talk With Outperformers, The Outperformer, PR, Public relations, marketing | 8 Jul 2024 |
On this episode of Real Talk With Outperformers, Brad welcomes Marina Mara. Marina is the founder and CEO of PR agency 'MARINA MARA'.
With clients worldwide, MARINA MARA is now a global consultancy that specialises in Media, Brand, and Reputation Management. Marina works with individuals and companies, turning them into attractive, highly influential and lucrative brands through tailored media and brand consulting.

Design business for life balance.

Designing a business for life balance is a concept that many entrepreneurs strive for, but often struggle to achieve. Marina, the guest on the podcast, provides a great example of how she has successfully designed her business to give her what she wants out of life, while also making a significant impact in her industry.

Marina's journey as a media agency owner spans over 18 years, during which she has focused on media brand and reputation management. She describes her success as an "18-year overnight success," highlighting the long-term commitment and dedication required to build a thriving business. Marina's approach to entrepreneurship involves working with high-profile clients in various industries while maintaining a level of confidentiality and respect for their privacy.

One of the key aspects of Marina's business model is being industry agnostic, meaning she works with clients from diverse sectors, allowing her to continuously learn and adapt to different challenges. This approach not only keeps her skill set sharp but also provides a sense of fulfillment and variety in her work.

Trust intuition, pivot fearlessly, succeed.

Marina's story is a powerful example of how trusting intuition, pivoting fearlessly, and ultimately succeeding can lead to great achievements in business. In her journey, Marina faced a pivotal moment where she felt a strong urge to make a significant change in her agency. Despite being successful by many standards, she realized that she was not fully satisfied with the direction her business was heading in.

This moment of realization, where Marina heard a voice telling her to fire her clients and move to the US, highlights the importance of trusting one's intuition in making bold decisions. Marina's willingness to listen to this inner voice and take action based on it ultimately led her to a new market where her agency thrived and found a better fit.

The contrast Marina experienced between the Australian and US markets also sheds light on the importance of being adaptable and willing to pivot in business. In Australia, Marina faced resistance from clients who were not comfortable with the type of storytelling and PR strategies her agency offered. This resistance led her to realize that the US market was a better fit for her services, where clients embraced and enjoyed the authentic storytelling approach.

Marina's ability to pivot fearlessly and make bold decisions based on her intuition ultimately led to her agency's success in the US market. By recognizing the path of least resistance and being willing to make changes to better align with her values and priorities, Marina was able to create a business that not only thrived but also brought her personal fulfillment.

Personal growth through self-reflection.

Personal growth through self-reflection is a powerful tool that can lead to profound transformation in one's life. Marina's story on the podcast highlights the importance of looking inward and taking responsibility for one's actions and reactions. By going inward and reflecting on her experiences, Marina was able to navigate through challenging situations with grace and resilience.

One key aspect of personal growth through self-reflection is the ability to trust one's intuition. Marina's approach of always going inward and considering her own actions demonstrates a deep sense of self-awareness and intuition. By trusting her instincts and taking responsibility for her own role in situations, Marina was able to navigate through difficult circumstances and come out stronger on the other side.

Additionally, Marina's story emphasizes the importance of being open to change and willing to pivot when necessary. As she experienced the effects of tall poppy syndrome in her personal life, Marina was able to adapt and grow from those experiences. By being open to change and willing to reassess her actions and reactions, Marina was able to move forward and continue on her journey of personal growth.

Finally, Marina's story illustrates the power of self-reflection in achieving success and fulfillment in business endeavors. By taking the time to reflect on her own behaviors and responses, Marina was able to learn valuable lessons and make necessary adjustments in her approach. Through self-reflection, Marina was able to identify areas for growth, make positive changes, and ultimately achieve success in her professional endeavors.

Choose friends wisely, trust intuition.

Choosing friends wisely and trusting intuition are essential components of building strong relationships and fostering personal growth. In a podcast conversation with Marina, she shared her experiences of going through a period of "friend-washing" where she had to let go of friendships that no longer served her. This process allowed her to have a clean slate and choose friends who aligned with her values and goals.

Marina emphasized the importance of trusting her intuition when it comes to building relationships, both personally and professionally. She mentioned that her intuition is strong, and she has learned to use it effectively, especially in the people industry where she has encountered a wide range of personalities. By paying attention to the energy that others bring into a room and being mindful of red flags, Marina can quickly assess whether someone is trustworthy and aligns with her values.

The concept of choosing friends wisely and trusting intuition can be applied to various aspects of life, including business relationships and collaborations. Marina's ability to trust her intuition has helped her build a network of friends who she considers family and lifelong partners. By surrounding herself with individuals who share her values and beliefs, Marina has created a supportive and empowering community that contributes to her growth and success.



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