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Home Blog The Future of Work with Dr Ben Hamer

EP#73 - The Future of Work with Dr Ben Hamer

By Claire Wescombe | Blog, Podcast, Real Talk With Outperformers, The Outperformer, PR, Public relations, futurist, future | 22 Jul 2024 |
In this episode, Brad chats with Dr Ben Hamer about all things related to the future of work and what we could expect as a society, moving forward in the workforce.
Dr Ben Hamer is an accredited futurist, and he was recently awarded the number one thought leader for the Future of Work in the Asia-Pacific by Onalytica.

Futurist: Observing trends, shaping future.

Ben and Brad discuss the concept of a futurist in this episode. Ben explains a futurist as someone who is observant of the world around them, identifying trends and signals of change that can provide insight into how the future may unfold. They look at potential impacts in the next 5-10 years, considering whether this is the future we want or need to avoid, and then work backwards to determine how to get there or avoid it.

Unlike traditional strategy, which tends to look backwards to project forwards in a linear fashion, futurists jump straight to the future and work backwards through a process of backcasting. They operate on the assumption that the future is not predictable and plan for scenarios to ensure organizations have the adaptability to pivot in the face of disruptions.

Brad and Ben also discusses how foresight, the practice of futures thinking, can be a critical skill for individuals to ensure they are future-fit in their careers. They predict that traditional strategy functions will evolve into something more akin to foresight and futures thinking in the next five years.

Gen Z driving positive workplace change.

Ben sheds light on the impact that Gen Z will have on organizations and the workforce. It emphasizes the optimism surrounding Gen Z's values-driven mindset, focus on social change, and push for diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Gen Z is seen as a catalyst for driving positive change in organizations, as they are vocal about their beliefs and not afraid to challenge the status quo.

One of the key strengths of Gen Z highlighted by Ben is their emphasis on flexibility and well-being, which are crucial ingredients for creating meaningful workplaces and work. This generation's values align with the evolving expectations of employees in the modern workforce, where work-life balance and a sense of purpose are becoming increasingly important.

Ben and Brad also discuss the potential tension between the baby boomer generation, who are currently leading organizations, and Gen Z, who are poised to make their mark in the workforce. This tension stems from the differing upbringings and expectations of these two generations, but it also presents an opportunity for organizations to bridge the generation gap and leverage the unique perspectives and strengths of each group.

Embrace AI for future success.

The conversation delves into the current state of AI adoption and the challenges that organizations face in incorporating AI technology into their operations. Ben notes that while AI technology is advancing at a rapid pace, there is still a reluctance among some businesses to fully embrace it due to fear of the unknown and the constantly evolving nature of the technology.

Ben and Brad agree that organizations need to get on board with AI and run with it, as the technology is only going to continue to advance. It is crucial for leaders to develop a foundational AI literacy and see AI as more than just a gimmick. By viewing AI as a tool that can assist in completing tasks and enhancing productivity, organizations can begin to unlock the full potential of AI technology.

The episode also delves into hybrid working and how organizations need to adapt their processes and ways of working to accommodate remote work. The speaker points out that simply enabling employees to work from home is not enough; organizations need to rethink their meeting rhythms, communication strategies, and management hierarchies to support a hybrid work environment effectively.

Adaptive mindset for future success

This episode highlights the importance of having an adaptive mindset for future success in the workplace. Ben emphasizes the need for leaders to continuously learn, unlearn, and relearn in order to keep up with the fast-paced changes in the business environment. This adaptive mindset is crucial for staying relevant and competitive in a world where technology and societal norms are constantly evolving.

One key aspect of having an adaptive mindset is the ability to practice hard empathy. This involves putting oneself in the shoes of others and understanding their perspectives and needs. By doing so, leaders can better navigate complex situations and come up with innovative solutions that cater to the diverse needs of their workforce.

Ben also touches on the importance of embracing new ways of learning and working, especially in light of recent events such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The traditional belief that learning can only happen through observational learning in the office has been challenged, as remote work has proven to be just as effective in fostering relationships and knowledge sharing.



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