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Home Blog Building a Hospitality Empire - Howin Chui's Story

EP#70 - Building a Hospitality Empire - Howin Chui's Story

By Claire Wescombe | Blog, Podcast, Real Talk With Outperformers, The Outperformer, Hospitality, food | 1 Jul 2024 |
On this episode of Real Talk With Outperformers, Brad welcomes Howin Chui. Howin has been a prominent figure within the Sydney hospitality industry since opening his first restaurant, Kowloon Cafe, in Haymarket 2019, which has rapidly expanded over the last 2 years with locations in Eastwood, Burwood, and Chatswood. In this episode, Brad and Howin chat about all things hospitality - and particularly Howin's transition from his background in bar and nightclub management to where he is today.

Authenticity is key to showing up.

Howin's entrepreneurial journey began in high school when he organized an after-party for his year 10 formal. The success of this event, which attracted a large number of attendees without any promotion, sparked his interest in event organization and entertainment. Encouraged by the positive feedback and the financial success of the party, Howin went on to organize more events for other schools, eventually turning it into a profitable business venture.

Despite facing challenges such as dealing with underage attendees and ensuring the safety and security of the events, Howin's passion for organizing parties and creating memorable experiences for people drove him to continue and expand his business. His early experiences in the nightclub scene taught him valuable lessons about customer service, event management, and the importance of creating a fun and engaging atmosphere for guests.

As Howin's business grew, he transitioned from the nightclub industry to the restaurant business, opening establishments like the Kowloon Cafe and the Yum Cha project. His experience in the nightlife scene provided him with a unique perspective on customer engagement and entertainment, which he applied to his restaurant ventures. By focusing on providing exceptional service, delicious food, and a vibrant atmosphere, Howin was able to attract a loyal customer base and establish a successful brand in the hospitality industry.

Howin's journey from organizing high school parties to running successful restaurants highlights the importance of passion, creativity, and perseverance in entrepreneurship. His ability to adapt to changing markets, learn from his experiences, and take calculated risks has enabled him to build a thriving business empire. By starting with parties, Howin laid the foundation for his entrepreneurial success and demonstrated that with dedication and determination, anything is possible in the world of business.

Skill of connection through listening.

One key skill that has played a crucial role in Howin's success is his ability to connect with people through listening. Throughout the podcast transcript, Howin talks about being a connector, a chameleon, and the Nokia of his social circle. He attributes his skill of connection to his natural ability to engage with others after a few drinks, as well as his experience working in industries where networking and building relationships are essential.

Howin emphasizes the role of alcohol in breaking the ice and making business conversations easier. He mentions that in Chinese culture, dinner is all about drinking, and after a few drinks, business talks flow more smoothly. This highlights the importance of building relationships and establishing connections through shared experiences, such as enjoying a meal or a drink together.

Furthermore, Howin acknowledges that being a good salesperson has also contributed to his skill of connection. He mentions working at Telstra and Vodafone, where he was a top salesperson during the weekdays. Howin's experience in sales has taught him the importance of understanding people's needs and effectively communicating how his products or services can meet those needs. This skill of listening and understanding customers' preferences has helped Howin build successful businesses and attract a diverse clientele.

Innovative marketing strategies attract attention.

Innovative marketing strategies play a crucial role in attracting attention and driving success in business. Howin's experience in utilizing unique and creative marketing tactics, such as using nightclub strategies to promote restaurants, collaborating with chefs as DJs, and implementing influencer marketing, demonstrates the importance of thinking outside the box and connecting with customers in new and engaging ways.

One of the key takeaways from Howin's journey is the importance of grabbing people's attention in a world where attention spans are short and competition is fierce. By incorporating elements of fun, surprise, and humor into his marketing campaigns, Howin was able to create memorable experiences that resonated with his target audience. Whether it was using fake parking tickets to promote nightclubs or printing fake money on flyers to attract customers to his restaurants, Howin's ability to think creatively and capture people's interest set his businesses apart from the competition.

Furthermore, Howin's emphasis on building relationships and personal branding highlights the value of connecting with customers on a deeper level. By inviting foodies to create content, collaborating with chefs, and engaging with influencers, Howin was able to foster a sense of community and loyalty among his customer base. This personalized approach not only helped to drive customer engagement and retention but also contributed to the overall success of his businesses.

Believe in the Law of Attraction.

Believing in the Law of Attraction is a concept that has gained popularity in recent years, and Howin's story in the podcast provides a compelling example of how this belief can lead to success in business. The Law of Attraction is based on the idea that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life. By focusing on what you want and believing that it will come to you, you can attract success and abundance.

Howin's journey in the food and beverage industry is a testament to the power of the Law of Attraction. He talks about how he visualized his goals, such as owning two cars and two houses, and eventually manifested them into reality. By setting clear intentions, believing in the possibility of achieving them, and taking inspired action, Howin was able to create a successful restaurant business that resonated with customers and stood out in a competitive market.

One key aspect of Howin's success is his focus on consistency and innovation. He mentions how he changed his restaurant model to adapt to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how he opened Kowloon Cafe to bring back lost culture in Chinatown. By staying true to his roots and offering unique dining experiences, Howin was able to attract a loyal customer base and drive growth in his business.



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