Home Blog Dan Krigstein - Unlocking The Winning Recipe To Build a High Performing Culture

Dan Krigstein - Unlocking The Winning Recipe To Build a High Performing Culture

By Sonia Goss | Blog, Podcast, Real Talk With Outperformers, dan krigstein | 10 Apr 2023 |

Dan Krigstein joins Brad in our latest episode of Real Talk With Outperformers and talks about his experiences across different roles, in various industries, managing departments with team members of diverse disciplines and provides insight about the challenges that come with successfully achieving business and individual goals.

Here are some of the podcast highlights;

Intellect only gets you so far

Dan explains that the further up the corporate ladder you climb, the more your role becomes less about you and your intelligence but more about the brilliant people you manage and getting out of their way and “let them do what they do best, which is their craft” says Dan.

Creating a team and environment that thrives

There a three pillars to a thriving team, Dan says;

  1. A growth oriented mind set -A team resilient and energised by change is a trait of a really good culture for thriving teams, specifically in the current ecosystem where businesses are going through sizeable change especially after the pandemic.
  2. A team that rallies to wherever help is needed, is another dynamic that is important to a thriving team. Empowering people to be able to ask for help when they need it and encouraging others to assist is ‘a hallmark of a truly transcendent culture” says Dan.
  3. Radical candour, being able to provide feedback from a place of care and empathy is essential to a thriving team.

Dan believes that if these three things are done right, the rest takes care of itself and business outcomes are achieved even if the objectives change.

Maintaining progress but demonstrating care – managing trivial situations

When it comes to ‘swarming’ where help is needed, Dan believe there are two underpinning dimensions.

  1. Build more generalist skillsets in the team so that resources can be used where assistance is required
  2. A fundamental belief that the team wins as one. Without this you’re only as good as you’re the weakest deliverable as seen by the business

Hiring to fit

Beyond the regulated credentials required to fill a position, Dan believes that hiring someone with mental agility in order to deal with the everchanging landscape of businesses is necessary. Some of the narratives around his hiring strategy are around;

  1. Is this person going to fit into the “eden you have created” and does each team member feel like they have an equal and active role in the culture.
  2. Looking for people that are “energised by change and have a thirst for learning” based on the mantra that a great leader will help the employee get to their next amazing opportunity (whatever that may be) and to remove impediments when they can’t.

Holding up the culture

When talking about the few things that hold up the culture created, Dan reflects back on his comments regarding radical candour and adds that it’s important for every person in the team to feel heard and listened to genuinely.

He also describes the importance of communicating and endorsing leadership principles above business values, missions and strategies. Working with poise, grace and in alignment to these principles creates a culture steady on the journey but agile to change.

And finally, he believes celebrating behaviours is just as important, if not more important than rewarding the outcomes.

The best leaders lead through service

Brad asks Dan to expand on this common use of the word ‘servant’ when talking about his leadership style. “My belief is that the best leaders lead through service…The role of great leadership is to paint a picture of a vision and actually just support your people getting there on their own”

Being a better person for my team today than I was yesterday

Dan credits his leadership style to his continuous self reflection to be a better leader, leading in ‘inches’ or incremental steps to towards change and drawing on the leanings not the fails.

The Difference Between a Solid Team and a High Performing Team

When making a distinction between a solid team and a high performing team, Dan considers is not the process but the culture. Expanding on this, he says that process will get you to ‘good’ and culture will get you to ‘great’. The consistency will be generated leaders show the same focus on culture that they expect from their team.

Find out more about Dan and Brad’s thoughts on workplace culture and hiring strategies – listen to our latest podcast. Links below.

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