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Home Blog From Athlete to Entrepeneur - Luke Milton's Journey to Training Mate

From Athlete to Entrepeneur - Luke Milton's Journey to Training Mate

By Claire Wescombe | Blog, Podcast, Real Talk With Outperformers, The Outperformer, sports, fitness, gym | 26 Aug 2024 |
In this episode, Brad welcomes Luke Milton. Luke is an ex-professional rugby player from Australia - who took the leap into business and founded 'Training Mate'.
Training Mate is a fitness studio that offers 45-minute circuit classes combining cardio and resistance exercises to burn up to 1,000 calories. In this episode Brad and Luke chat all things business, sport, fitnes and more...

Authenticity breeds success and fun.

One of the key factors that has contributed to the success of TrainingMate is the authenticity that Luke brings to the brand. From the beginning, Luke has been true to himself and his love for budgie smugglers, incorporating them into his everyday attire and making them a signature part of the TrainingMate brand. This authenticity has not only set TrainingMate apart from other gyms but has also created a strong connection with its community of members who appreciate his genuine and unapologetic approach.

The use of pink budgie smugglers may have started as a random marketing ploy, but it has become a defining feature of TrainingMate's brand identity. The bright pink swimwear has become synonymous with the gym, with new shipments selling out within hours. This bold and playful choice reflects the fun and energetic atmosphere that TrainingMate strives to create, inviting members to let loose and have a good time while working out.

Luke has been able to create a gym that not only helps its members achieve their fitness goals but also fosters a sense of community and belonging. In a world where authenticity is often undervalued, TrainingMate serves as a reminder that being true to oneself can lead to both success and enjoyment.

Community-focused high-intensity interval training.

Community-focused high-intensity interval training, as exemplified by TrainingMate, goes beyond just the physical aspect of working out. It prioritizes building a supportive and inclusive community where members feel seen, safe, and supported. This focus on community and culture sets TrainingMate apart from other gyms and fitness programs, as it creates a space where individuals can come together, connect, and grow as a team.

The founder of TrainingMate, Luke, draws on his background in team sports and his experiences growing up in Australia to create a gym that embodies the values of teamwork, camaraderie, and support. He recognizes the importance of community in fostering a positive and motivating environment for individuals to push themselves and achieve their fitness goals. By infusing his passion for sports and team dynamics into the fabric of TrainingMate, Luke has been able to cultivate a unique and authentic fitness experience for his members.

One of the key aspects of TrainingMate's success is the deliberate focus on community and culture in all aspects of the business. From the design of the workouts to the interactions between staff and members, every detail is carefully curated to foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie. This intentional approach to creating a supportive and inclusive environment sets TrainingMate apart from other fitness programs and attracts individuals who are seeking more than just a workout.

Healthy lifestyle promotes mental health.

Luke emphasizes that physical, social, and mental health are interconnected and must be addressed equally to achieve overall well-being. He believes that everyone deserves a healthy lifestyle that encompasses physical fitness, proper nutrition, social connection, and mental well-being.

Luke's philosophy on physical health is simple - if it's had a life, it's good for you. This means consuming whole foods that are close to their natural state, such as fruits, vegetables, and sustainably sourced proteins. He also emphasizes the importance of regular physical activity, whether it's through high-intensity interval training at TrainingMate or other forms of exercise like walking, running, swimming, or surfing.

In addition to physical health, he stresses the importance of social health. Human connection is essential for mental well-being, and the speaker believes that society has become too isolated and divided in recent years. By fostering a sense of community at TrainingMate, Luke aims to combat social isolation and promote positive relationships among members.



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